Tips and News
In the Garden in March with Hazel King
Many gardeners are still clearing up following storm damage. New plants will have to stay on hold. If any soil has been washed away and requires replacement, do not forget to add manure and compost to the mix.
Weeds are flourishing, they can be added to the compost heap, but NOT if they have bulbous roots or seeds.
It is a good time to take a fresh look at your garden, and perhaps make some changes. Keep in mind the plantings that suffered damage in the drought period, do you need to make selection changes?
Sow seeds of flower and vegetable annuals. Check the best planting times.
What plants are looking good in our area at present? E.g. Tibouchina, Crepe Myrtle, Ivory Curl Tree.
Quick growing climbers may be the answer in an area exposed by storm damage. There are many selections of quick growing native Pandorea, as well as South American Mandevillea and Dipladenia.
Autumn bulbs are blooming, consider planting for future interest. HK