Tips and News

How to Win with a Camellia – Lorraine Heath

Many of us have camellias in our gardens.  Why not have a little fun with them and enter blooms in the Berry Camellia & Floral Show at the end of the month?  It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the variety or name, help is provided as you register.  Here are some tips from experienced Camellia Show entrant and accredited judge, Lorraine Heath.

  1. Go out into the garden and decide on your favourite camellias.  Start taking note of how long the buds take to open (usually about a week).
  2. About one week before the show: Choose some fat buds that are just starting to colour.  Protect the buds by tying or pegging back branches that may damage the blooms.
  3. Three days before: Water the plants if necessary.  Protect the blooms in bad weather.
  4. One day before or the morning of the Show: Before cutting, check blooms for freshness or any signs of damage.  If OK, cut the bloom leaving 3 to 4cm of stem and two leaves.  If there aren’t two leaves, cut an undamaged pair of leaves from the bush and bring along.
  5. Pack the blooms in a box on top of sphagnum moss or shredded paper to transport.

Entries are accepted from 7:00 am to 9.30 am at the School of Arts on Saturday, July 30.  We expect the schedule to be available online at least a week before the Show.  When it’s available, an e-mail will be circulated letting you know how to access the schedule from the website.

There is a novice section for those who have not previously won an award at any Camellia Show.  Come on, have a go!  You can practise beforehand on our July Display Table.

No camellias?  Check the schedule for the Floral Section where there are nine different classes for cut flowers, foliage and decorative arrangements.

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